Testo di presentazione
The Marco Biagi Department of Economics, according to the Italian Education System, offers courses for different levels. The Degree Courses (for undergraduate students) last three years. After that, graduate students can continue studying to earn a Master Degree (two more years) or a Short Master Degree (one year).
All courses are evaluated in credits (1 credit= 25 hours). Most of the official courses are offered in Italian.
For the AY 2024/2025, the courses offered in English are:
- Meet the managers - Elisa Martinelli (1st semester)
- Risk Management - Costanza Torricelli (1st semester)
Competing in international markets: The Multinational Firm - Francesco Ciabuschi, visiting professor (1st semester) - Economics and Labour Policies - Marcello Morciano (1st semester)
- Financial Modeling Applications - Silvia Muzzioli (2nd semester)
- Managing B2B relationships in Industrial Markets - Enrico Baraldi, Visiting professor (2nd semester)
- Cross Cultural Management - Michael Kleinaltenkamp (2nd semester)
- Statistical learning and predictive modeling - Maria Franco Villoria (2nd semester)
- Social Media B2B Marketing - Lorena Blasco Arcas, visiting professor (2nd semester)
- ALL the courses of the master degree in International Management