The Double Degree is a study course agreed between at least two universities from different countries.
The study plan and the procedures for issuing the qualification are defined between the universities within an agreement.
The Double Degree has the double advantage of experience abroad combined with the release of a qualification with legal value in both countries. Experience abroad is increasingly in demand and is an advantage in the professional integration of graduates. A stay of several months in a foreign country allows the student to acquire linguistic and cultural skills and knowledge of the country, which is particularly appreciated in the professional world. The double degree opens up to the labor market in public administrations also in the partner country. The Double Diplomas activated by the Marco Biagi Department of Economics concern the Degree Courses in Economics and International Marketing and Economics and Finance, and the Master Degree Course in International Management.
Elisa Martinelli
Lara Liverani
tel.: 059 2056913
L'accordo tra l'Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia - Dipartimento di Economia Marco Biagi e l’Università di Applied Sciences di Bochum (Germania) consentE a 10 studenti ogni anno (cinque italiani e cinque tedeschi) di conseguire un doppio diploma di laurea.