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Testo di presentazione

In July 2012 the Marco Biagi Department of Economics in Modena took over the research and teaching functions of the Marco Biagi Faculty of Economics. First established in 1968, the Faculty of Economics soon gained international recognition due to the prestige of the faculty members and the quality of its teaching programmes. In January 1994 the Faculty moved to the Foro Boario, a monumental building dating back to the early nineteenth century. The reputation of the Faculty for research and teaching, including postgraduate programmes, and the promotion of initiatives designed to meet local needs, have resulted in numerous forms of collaboration with the main economic and institutional players, at local, regional, national and international level.

The research programmes of the Department are supported by a dense network of international relations. The Department cooperates with many higher education institutions in other countries in actions promoted by the European Union, including Erasmus+. Students have the opportunity to attend courses at Universities in other European countries and in the rest of the world, and to take part in work experience programmes with international companies and institutions. The number of international students has increased in recent years.

DEMB introduces itself