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The Italian system has adopted the ECTS [European Credit Transfer System] which is based on a definition of credits and procedures widely accepted within Europe.

A degree program is composed of a number of mandatory and optional teaching and learning activities. Each of them corresponds to a certain number of credits.

One credit corresponds to 25 hours of student work. Sixty (60) credits measure the workload of a full-time student during one academic year. Credits are awarded to students who have passed an examination. In the Italian grading system the minimum pass mark is 18 out of 30 points and the top mark is 30 cum laude.

In order to take a  degree students have to acquire 180 credits in 3 years, and to take a master degree they have to acquire 120 credits.

Degree ProgramDuration (years)Credits
Entry Requirements*
Bachelor Program
(in Italian Corso di Laurea Triennale - CL)
3180Secondary school diploma.
Some degree programs have enrollment restrictions (numerus clausus), in which case an entry exam is required.
Master Program
(In Italian Corso di Laurea Magistrale - CLM)
2120Bachelor degree (180 credits)
Some degree programs have closed admissions, in which case an entry exam is required.
Orientamento Economia

La preparazione iniziale degli studenti viene verificata attraverso la somministrazione del TOLC-E, un test a risposte multiple che prevede tre diverse sezioni: matematica, logica e comprensione verbale.

Titolo card wrapper
Economia Aziendale e Management
Business and Administration and Management (CLEAM)

only Italian version available

Economia e Marketing Internazionale
International Economics and Marketing

only Italian version available

Economia e Finanza
Economics and Finance

Only Italian version available