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L'Ufficio Stage & Placement del Dipartimento di Economia Marco Biagi promuove e gestisce l'offerta di tirocini formativi e di orientamento (c.d. stage) e di borse di studio in Italia e all'estero avvalendosi di una consolidata rete di contatti con associazioni di categoria, imprese pubbliche e private, studi professionali, enti pubblici, fondazioni e istituzioni nazionali e internazionali.


The Internship Office at the Marco Biagi Department of Economics promotes internships and grants in Italy and abroad thanks to its well-established network of contacts with profession associations, public and private companies, practices, public authorities, institutions, and national and international establishments.


Internships do not constitute an employment relationship but a period spent in a working environment.
The duration of the internship may vary, though by law the maximum is six months (24 months for people with disabilities).
There are two different types of internship:

  • intra-curricular internships – as part of bachelors and postgraduate courses with a view to obtaining the credits necessary to graduate;
  • extra-curricular internships – for recent graduates who wish to acquire experience in the labour market. It is possible to start these internships within 12 months of graduation.
Procedural requirements

For both the types of internships the following documents are required:

  • Agreement between the University (the promoter) and the firm/organization (the host partner) defining the relations between them.
  • Outline of the internship, containing the basis information, such as the personal data of the trainee, the aims of the internship, the insurance policies taken out by the University, the duration, and the starting and finishing dates.
  • The Marco Biagi Department of Economics Internship Office offers administrative support for firms seeking trainees or wishing to publish vacancy notices for graduates in economic and business, and draws up all the necessary documentation for the placement.
Info and contacts
Ufficio Stage e Placement
Where we areMarco Biagi Departmemt of EConomics
Office 19-21 west wing
via Berengario 51 - Modena
Office hoursTuesday 9:30-12:30
Thrusday 9:30-12:30
Opening hours in presenceby appointment
DelegateFabrizio Patriarca
office80 east wing
TutorRossella De Vita
Office 21 West Wing
tel:  059 205 6829
Marinella Magri
Office 19 West Wing
tel: 059 205 6996