Mobility grants consist of a predetermined amount of money set by the European Union, to which the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia can add some extra funding on their own part. The aim of the grant is to help students cover the extra costs they might have to face while being abroad compared to what they would have spent in their own country.
Announcement for admission
The Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education of Modena and Reggio Emilia can give an extra grant/scholarship, based on merit and economic/wealth conditions, to the students who were entitled to the grants offered by the Authority itself. The announcement is usually published around May-June, with deadline for admission in September.
The money grant is not the only aspect of the Erasmus + Mobility scholarships. Being awarded of such grants implies being and Erasmus + student, with substantial benefits and advantages, whose lack is a major obstacle to international student mobility.
Thanks to this status:
- students keep on paying their fees in their own university, being exempted from paying all sorts of fees/tuitions at the host institution
- All administrative papers as well as all relations between the student and his/her hosting partner are mastered by the International Mobility Office following well established procedures and direct contacts, exempting the students from the greatest of bureaucracy.
- All insurance policies connected to the registration to the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia are extended to the hosting/ receiving partner for the whole duration of the stay
- All academic work carried out abroad, as long as previously agreed with the Erasmus + coordinator at the sending institution, will be recognized once back in Italy.
- The university residences usually keep a quota of their places available for mobility students.
- Students can write this experience in their own CVs
- Students will acquire a good knowledge of the language of the host country.
- Living and studying abroad helps boosting autonomy
- Study mobility is a unique opportunity to get to know students coming from all over Europe, to set new friendships and to live new experiences.