DEMB Working Paper Series
ISSN on line: 2281-440X
I Working papers sono la nuova collana di pubblicazioni del Dipartimento, nata nel luglio 2012. E' diffusa online ed è inserita su IRIS - Archivio della ricerca UniMoRe e nella banca dati RePEc (Research Papers in Economics),un database bibliografico centralizzato che comprende 1800 archivi di 86 paesi diversi.
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Numero | Autore | Titolo | Anno | Paper |
250 | Bosi, G. | «Pandoro gate»: de minimis ...vel omnibus? Note a margine del caso Balocco – Ferragni | 2025 | download |
249 | Granese, A.; Pistoresi, B.; Salsano, F. | Post-WWII Redistribution in the US: the Role of the Boom Cycle | 2024 | download |
248 | Bosi, G. | Intermediari e reti per lo sviluppo della ricerca innovativa e per il trasferimento tecnologico | 2024 | download |
247 | Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.; Falco, C. | Family Planning and Ethnic Heritage: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa | 2024 | download |
246 | Capriotti, A.; Muzzioli, S. | A note on the Pastor et al. (2021) model | 2024 | download |
245 | Capriotti, A.; Muzzioli, S. | Climate risk measures and main data providers | 2024 | download |
244 | Ferrara, M.; Ciano, T.; Capriotti, A.; Muzzioli, S. | Machine learning technique to compute climate risk in finance | 2024 | download |
243 | Addabbo, T.; | Investigating LGBTQI+ Inequalities in working conditions (luglio) | 2024 | download |
242 | Casolari, L.; Curzi, Y.; Pistoresi, B.; Poma, E., et al. | Work Ability in Healthcare: Vulnerable Groups and Organizational Factors | 2024 | download |
241 | Strozzi, C.; Rinaldi, A. | in corso di pubblicazione (giugno) | 2024 | download |
240 | Addabbo, T.; Barra, C. | L'impatto di metodologie didattiche collaborative sulle dimensioni dell'apprendimento in un corso di Laurea Magistrale Blended | 2024 | download |
239 | Addabbo, T.; Caruso, G.; Strozzi, C.; Tasselli, C. | Team Based Learning e didattica universitaria: l’impatto sulle competenze trasversali | 2024 | download |
238 | Bosi, G. | Commons rules. Regolazione dei beni comuni imprenditoriali e neo-funzionalismo del diritto commerciale | 2024 | download |
237 | Capriotti, A.; Cipollini, A.; Muzzioli, S. | Climate risk definition and measures: asset pricing models and stock returns | 2024 | download |
236 | Ferrara, M.; Ciano, T.; Capriotti, A.; Muzzioli, S. | Climate change and asset pricing: a focused review of literature | 2024 | download |
235 | Capriotti, A.; Muzzioli, S. | Model-free moments: predictability of STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas future returns | 2024 | download |
234 | Granese, A. | Two Main Business Cycle Shocks are Better than One | 2024 | download |
233 | Murat, M. | Citizenship, math and gender. Exploring immigrant students’ choice of majors | 2023 | download |
232 | Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S. | Unveiling Sentiment Dynamics and Forecasting Future Economic Sentiment in the Eurozone using Option-Implied Asymmetry Measures | 2023 | download |
231 | Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S. | Aggregating sentiment in Europe: the relationship with volatility and returns | 2023 | download |
230 | Tasselli, C.; Strozzi, C.; Addabbo, T. | Inclusive Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: An Evaluation of The Impact of Faculty Development Programmes | 2023 | download |
229 | Tasselli, C.; Addabbo, T. | Enhancing Student’s Sense of belongings, performance and Inclusion: Exploring the Benefits of Team-Based Learning in College Classrooms | 2023 | download |
228 | Tasselli, C.; Addabbo, T.; Balboni, B.; Strozzi, C. | Active Learning in Economics: A Comparative Analysis of challenge-based learning and team-based learning impact on students’ satisfaction | 2023 | download |
227 | Negri, I.; Pistoresi, B.; Gamberini, M. C.; Mecugni, D. | Building an inclusive environment: exploring lecturers’ experience in inclusive and innovative academia | 2023 | download |
226 | Cantarella, M.; Strozzi, C. | Task search and labour supply in the platform economy | 2023 | download |
224 | Brunetti, M.; Zaiceva - Razzolini, A. | Is Self-Employment for Migrants? Evidence from Italy | 2023 | download |
223 | Pennetta, D.; Gambarelli, L. | Banks’ attitude to partnership as an antecedent of Open Banking platforms: structural determinants and effects on performance in the Italian context | 2023 | download |
222 | Pennetta, D.; Gambarelli, L. | Il finanziamento della ricerca clinica in Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP): cosa determina l'intervento della Finanza? | 2023 | download |
221 | Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S. | Understanding the SKEW Index: the relationship with sentiment and returns | 2023 | |
220 | Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S. | Googling Investor Sentiment around Europe | 2023 | |
219 | Addabbo, T.; Tasselli, C.; Damiani, F. | Team-Based Learning as an innovative teaching methodology: assessing gender inclusiveness in a quantitative economic subject | 2022 | download |
218 | Coppeta, G. F.; Pistoresi, B. | Aspirations in the European labour market | 2022 | download |
217 | Coppeta, G. F.; Costantini, E.; Pistoresi, B. | Trust in local institutions and citizens' subjective well-being Evidence from the case of Modena | 2022 | download |
216 | Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M. | Limit Pricing and Strategic Investment | 2022 | download |
215 | ZAICEVA - RAZZOLINI, Anzelika | Multitasking | 2022 | download |
214 | Poma, E.; Pistoresi, B. | Satisfaction with democracy in Europe: assessing the role of public support measures and institutional trust | 2022 | download |
213 | Addabbo, T.; Strozzi, C.; Tasselli, C. | Gender inequalities in college major choices. The role of explicit and implicit stereotypes | 2022 | download |
212 | Giovinazzo, C.; Pistoresi, B.; Poma, E. | Good governance and subjective well-being in Europe: the mediating role of trust in other people and institutions | 2022 | download |
211 | Pistoresi, Barbara; Poma, Erica; Rinaldi, Alberto | Gender quotas between glass ceiling crack and firm performance: evidence from Italy's financial sector | 2022 | download |
210 | Damiani, F.; Rodríguez-Modroño, P. | Measuring Women’s Digital Inclusion. A poset-based approach to the Women in Digital Scoreboard | 2022 | download |
209 | Damiani, F.; Muzzioli, S.; De Baets, B | Regional innovation in southern Europe: a poset-based analysis | 2022 | download |
208 | Pistoresi, B.; Poma, E.; Rinaldi, A. | Gender quota on corporate boards in Italy: spillover effects and financial performance | 2022 | download |
207 | Falco, C.; Corbi, R. | Natural Disasters and Preferences for the Environment: Evidence from the Impressionable Years | 2022 | download |
206 | Incerpi, A.; Pistoresi, B.; Salsano, F. | Does War Make States? Military Spending and the Italian State building, 1861-1945 | 2022 | download |
205 | Gambarelli., L.; Marchi, G.; Muzzioli, S. | Asymmetric correlations and hedging effectiveness of cryptocurrencies for the European stock market | 2022 | download |
204 | Gambarelli., L.; Muzzioli, S. | News Sentiment indicators and the Cross‐Section of Stock Returns in the European Stock Market | 2022 | download |
203 | Gambarelli., L.; Muzzioli, S.; De Baets, B. | An OWA Analysis of the VSTOXX volatility index | 2022 | download |
202 | Campisi, G.; De Baets, B.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S. | Forecasting returns in the US market through fuzzy rule-based classification systems | 2022 | download |
201 | Campisi, G.; Muzzioli, S. | Asymmetric semi-volatility spillover in a nonlinear model of interacting markets | 2022 | download |
200 | Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.; Tedeschi, G. L. | Strangers and Foreigners: Trust and Attitudes toward Citizenship | 2022 | download |
199 | Brusco, S. | Small firms and industrial districts | 2022 | download |
198 | Paba, S. | The Chinese automotive industry at a turning point. An Overview | 2022 | download |
197 | Paba, S.; Parolini, C. | Chinese acquisitions in Italy: performance of target companies, political reactions and public perception, future prospects | 2021 | download |
196 | Bertocchi, G.; Bonacini, L.; Murat, M. | Adams and Eves: The Gender Gap in Economics Majors | 2021 | download |
195 | Ferrarini, F.; Curzi, Y. | AMO-enhancing practices, open innovation and organizations’ innovation in the European context: testing a mediation model | 2021 | |
194 | Murat, M. | Migration and development | 2021 | download |
193 | Russo, Margherita; Cardinale Ciccotti, Claudia; De Alexandris, Fabrizio; Gjinaj, Antonela; Romaniello, Giovanni; Scatorchia, Antonio; Terranova, Giorgio | The systemic dimension of success (or failure?) in the use of data and AI during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-country comparison on contact tracing apps | 2021 | download |
192 | Pagliacci, F.; Bonacini, L. | Explaining anti-immigrant sentiment through spatial analysis: a study of the 2019 European elections in Italy | 2021 | download |
191 | Russo, Margherita; Cardinale Ciccotti, Claudia; De Alexandris, Fabrizio; Gjinaj, Antonela; Romaniello, Giovanni; Scatorchia, Antonio; Terranova, Giorgio | La dimensione sistemica del successo (o insuccesso?) nell'uso dei dati nella pandemia da COVID-19. Risultati dall'analisi comparata relativa alle app di tracciamento in nove paesi OECD | 2021 | download |
189 | Ferrarini, F.; Muzzioli, S.; De Baets, B. | A TOPSIS analysis of regional competitiveness at European level | 2021 | download |
188 | Damiani, F.; Muzzioli, S.; De Baets, B. | A poset-based analysis of regional innovation at European level | 2021 | download |
187 | Russo, T.; Addabbo, T.; Muzzioli, S.; De Baets, B. | Tools and practices for LGBT+ inclusion in tertiary education: the development of the LGBT+ University Inclusion Index and its application to Italian universities | 2021 | download |
186 | Campisi, G.; Muzzioli, S.; Tramontana, F. | Uncertainty about fundamental and pessimistic traders: a piecewise-linear maps approach | 2021 | download |
185 | Tagliazucchi, G.; Martinelli, E.; Endrighi, E. | Coltivazione della lavanda nell’appennino emiliano-romagnolo: metodologia e primi risultati di un’indagine esplorativa | 2021 | download |
184 | Muzzioli, S.; Campisi, G.; De Baets, B. | A comparison of machine learning methods for predicting stock returns in the US market | 2021 | download |
183 | Paba, S.; Solinas, G.; Bonacini, L.; Fareri, S. | Robots, Trade and Employment in Italian Local Labour Systems | 2020 | download |
182 | Paba, S.; Parolini, C. | Should we fear or hope for Chinese acquisitions? Evidence from Italy | 2020 | download |
181 | Murat, M. | Emigration and development. What are the links? | 2020 | download |
180 | Bertolini, P.; Giovannetti, E. | L’assetto strutturale e le performance dei caseifici del settore del Parmigiano Reggiano: una valutazione microeconomica | 2020 | download |
179 | Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M. | Investment in early education and job market signaling | 2020 | download |
178 | Bertolini, P.; Giovannetti, E. | L’evoluzione del sistema locale del Parmigiano Reggiano | 2020 | download |
177 | Bonacini, L.; Murat, M. | Coronavirus pandemic, remote learning and emerging education inequalities | 2020 | download |
176 | Boscolo, S. | On the horizontal inequity effect of the erosion of the PIT base: the case of Italy | 2020 | download |
175 | Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A. | COVID-19, Race, and Redlining | 2020 | download |
174 | Silvestri, L.; Caruso, G.; Fareri, S.; Solinas, G. | Dalla crisi alla crisi: nuovi lavori e competenze nel settore automotive | 2020 | download |
173 | Russo, M.; Alboni, F.; Colombini, S.; Morlini, I.; Pavone, P.; Sartori, L. | Covid-19 e studenti UNIMORE: come l’emergenza cambia lo studio e l’esperienza universitaria | 2020 | download |
172 | Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A. | Bitter Sugar: Slavery and the Black Family | 2020 | download |
171 | Tripi, S.; Mattei, G. | COVID-19 e Pubblica Amministrazione: implicazioni dello smart working per il management e per la salute mentale dei lavoratori | 2020 | download |
170 | Lalla, M.; Cavicchioli, M. | Nonresponse and measurement errors in income: matching individual survey data with administrative tax data | 2020 | download |
169 | Martinelli, E; Tagliazucchi, G.; Costantini, E. | Imprenditoria immigrata operante nella distribuzione commerciale modenese. Metodologia e primi risultati di un’indagine | 2020 | download |
168 | Lalla, M.; Frederic, P. | Tertiary education decisions of immigrants and non-immigrants in Italy: an empirical approach | 2020 | download |
167 | Campisi, G.; Muzzioli, S. | Fundamentalists heterogeneity and the role of the sentiment indicator | 2020 | download |
166 | Bonacini, L.; Fareri, S.; Paba, S.; Solinas, G. | I sistemi produttivi in Italia tra globalizzazione e digitalizzazione | 2020 | download |
165 | Curzi, Y.; Pistoresi, B.; Fabbri, T. | Understanding the stressful implications of remote e-working: Evidence from Europe | 2020 | download |
164 | Campisi, G.; La Rocca, L.; Muzzioli, S. | Assessing skewness in financial markets | 2020 | download |
163 | Campisi, G.; Muzzioli, S. | Investor sentiment and trading behavior | 2020 | download |
162 | Incerpi, A.; Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A. | Finance and Economic Development in Italy, 1870-1913 | 2020 | download |
161 | Mattei, G.; Pistoresi, B.; Galeazzi, G. M. | La relazione tra credito e comportamento suicidario in Italia | 2020 | download |
160 | Ribba, A. | Is the unemployment inflation trade-off still alive in the Euro Area and its member countries? It seems so | 2019 | download |
159 | Russo, M.; Pavone, P. | What innovation policy mix does matter for which countries? Patterns emerging from multidimensional analysis on STIP Compass platform | 2019 | download |
158 | Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M. | Gender gaps in education | 2019 | download |
157 | Gambarelli, Luca; Muzzioli, Silvia | Risk-asymmetry indices in Europe | 2019 | download |
156 | Campisi, Giovanni; Muzzioli, Silvia | Construction and properties of volatility indices for Austria, Finland and Spain | 2019 | download |
155 | Bertolini, P.; Pagliacci, F.; Pisciotta, A. | Poverty and Social Exclusion in the European Union: South-Eastern Territorial Patterns | 2019 | download |
154 | Cantarella, M. | #Portichiusi: the human costs of migrant deterrence in the Mediterranean | 2019 | download |
153 | Carreto Sanginés, J.; Pavone, P.; Russo, M.; Simonazzi, A. | Digital upgrade in the automotive supply chain in Mexico: issues and challenges | 2019 | download |
152 | Boscolo, S. | The Contribution of Proportional Taxes and Tax-Free Cash Benefits to Income Redistribution over the Period 2005-2018: Evidence from Italy | 2019 | download |
151 | Russo, M. | Digital transformation in the automotive supply chain: China, Germany, Italy and Japan in a comparative perspective | 2019 | download |
150 | Carreto Sanginés, J.; Russo, M. | The automotive sector in Mexico | 2019 | download |
149 | Bertolini, P. | Overview on Rural Poverty in Developed Countries | 2019 | download |
148 | Pavone, P.; Pagliacci, F.; Russo, M.; Giorgi, A. | R&I smart specialisation strategies: classification of EU regions’ priorities. Results from automatic text analysis | 2019 | download |
147 | Baldini, M.; Gallo, G.; Lusignoli, L.; Toso, S. | Le politiche per l’assistenza: il Reddito di cittadinanza | 2019 | download |
146 | Cantarella, M.; Fraccaroli, N.; Volpe, R. | Does fake news affect voting behaviour? | 2019 | download |
145 | Russo, M.; Pagliacci, F.; Pavone, P.; Giorgi, A. | RIS3 in macro-regional strategies: tools to design and monitor integrated territorial development paths | 2019 | download |
144 | Pattaro, A. F.; Ranuzzini, M.; Bonacini, L. | Inter-municipal cooperation as a solution for public services delivery? The case of Unioni di Comuni in Emilia-Romagna Region | 2019 | download> |
143 | Dallari, P.; Ribba, A. | The Dynamic Effects of Monetary Policy and Government Spending Shocks on Unemployment in the Peripheral Euro Area Countries | 2019 | download |
142 | Russo, M.; Pavone, P.; Pagliacci, F.; Righi, S.; Giorgi, A. | Detecting multidimensional clustering across EU regions. Focus on R&I smart specialisation strategies and on socio-economic and demographic conditions | 2019 | download |
141 | Addabbo, T.; Giuntini, A.; Pillo, F.; Rinaldi, A. | Le donne nella magistratura italiana: 1960-1990 | 2019 | download |
140 | Lalla, M.; Mantovani, D.; Frederic, P. | Measurement errors and tax evasion in annual incomes: evidence from survey data matched with fiscal data | 2019 | download |
139 | Cantarella, M.; Strozzi, C. | Labour market effects of crowdwork in the US and EU: an empirical investigation | 2018 | download |
138 | Bertocchi, G.; Brunetti, M.; Zaiceva, A. | The Financial Decisions of Immigrant and Native Households: Evidence from Italy | 2018 | download |
137 | Bursi, T.; Galli, G.; Scaccaglia, S. | Argo Tractors: un caso di reshoring di successo | 2018 | |
136 | Bursi, T.; Galli, G. | Il mercato delle case di legno: analisi strategica di un caso reale | 2018 | download |
135 | Bursi, T. | Approccio al mercato cinese del turismo | 2018 | |
134 | Zaffaroni, A.; Ernst, E. | New representations of sets of lower bounds and of sets with supremum in Archimedean order-unit vector spaces | 2018 | download |
133 | Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, Silvia | The properties of a skewness index and its relation with volatility and returns | 2018 | download |
132 | Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, Silvia | The use of option prices in order to evaluate the skewness risk premium | 2018 | download |
131 | Caloia, F.; Cipollini, A.; Muzzioli, S. | On the financial connectedness of the commodity market: a replication of the Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) study | 2018 | download |
130 | Russo, M.; Pavone, P.; Cetrulo, A. | Cinquanta anni di contrattazione di secondo livello: che cosa impariamo dal caso Lamborghini? | 2018 | download> |
129 | Rinaldi, A.; Tagliazucchi, G. | Women Entrepreneurs in Italy: A prosopographic Study | 2018 | download |
128 | Baldini, M.; Mancini, G.; Vecchi, G. | No country for young people. Poverty and Age in Italy, 1948-2018 | 2018 | download |
127 | Piras, S.; Pancotto, F.; Righi, S.; Vittuari, M.; Setti, M. | Food waste as a (negative) measure of social capital. A study across Italian Provinces | 2018 | download |
126 | Baldini, M.; Casabianca, E. J.; Giarda, E.; Lusignoli, L. | The impact of REI on Italian households’ income: A micro and macro evaluation | 2018 | download |
125 | Scagliarini, S. | The allocation of responsabilities between the central state and local authorities in the countries of the alpine area | 2018 | |
124 | Addabbo, T.; Davoli, M.; Murat, M. | Is there an immigrant-gender gap in education? An empirical investigation based on PISA data from Italy. | 2018 | download |
123 | Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M. | Private Information and the Commitment Value of Unobservable Investment | 2018 | download |
122 | Bonifati, Giovanni | Il contributo di Marx a una critica del determinismo tecnologico. Premesse per una ontologia critica dell’innovazione | 2017 | download |
121 | Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M. | Strategic Effects of Investment and Private Information: The Incumbent's Curse | 2017 | download |
120 | Murat, M. G. | Foreign aid and asylum immigration. Does development matter? | 2017 | download |
119 | Russo, M.; Pavone, P. | WPTIP 1993-2017: a longitudinal analysis of issues, connections and impact of the discussion on technology and innovation policy at Oecd | 2017 | download |
118 | Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.; Lancia, F.; Russo, A. | Youth Enfranchisement, Political Responsiveness, and Education Expenditure: Evidence from the U.S. | 2017 | download |
117 | Baldini, M. | Questioni valutative in relazione alla definizione di "povertà" | 2017 | download |
116 | Pavone, P.; Russo, M. | Clusters of specializations in the automotive supply chain in Italy. An empirical analysis using text mining | 2017 | download |
115 | Russo, M.; Pavone, P. | Strategie, pubbliche e private, in azione per ri-costruire meglio. Analisi dei testi di quattro interviste | 2017 | download |
114 | Mantovani, D. | Comparing redistributive efficiency of tax-benefit systems in Europe | 2017 | download |
113 | Murat, M. G. | Foreign Aid and responsiveness of bilateral refugee inflows | 2017 | download |
112 | Pistoresi, B.; Cavicchioli, M.; Brevini, G. | Central Bank Independence, financial instability and politics: new evidence for OECD and non-OECD countries | 2017 | download |
111 | Cavallo, A.; Ribba, A. | Measuring the Effects of Oil Price and Euro-area Shocks on CEECs Business Cycles | 2017 | download |
110 | Pagliacci, F.; Russo, M. | Earthquake hazard in Italy Cluster analysis of socio-economic data to inform place-based policy measures | 2017 | download |
109 | Raduzzi, R.; Ribba, A. | The Macroeconomics Outcome of Oil Shocks in the Small Eurozone Economies | 2017 | download |
108 | Mengoli, P.; Russo, M. | A hybrid space to support the regeneration of competences for re-industrialization. Lessons from a research-action | 2017 | download |
107 | Baldini, M.; Peragine, V.; Silvestri, L. | Quality of government and subjective poverty in Europe | 2017 | download |
106 | Codeluppi, F.; Pancotto, F.; Righi, S. | Reflexivity reduces pro-sociality but only among strategic subjects | 2017 | download |
105 | Ernst, E.; Zaffaroni, A. | Characterizing sets of lower bounds: a hidden convexity result | 2016 | download |
104 | Di Martino, P.; Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A. | International financial flows, domestic banks, and the economic development of the periphery: Italy 1861-1913 | 2016 | download |
103 | Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S. | Moment Risk Premia and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns | 2016 | download |
102 | Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S. | Fear or greed? What does a skewness index measure? | 2016 | download |
101 | Piscitelli, G. | Quale qualità del lavoro per le donne nella meccanica modenese? Una ricerca sul campo | 2016 | download |
100 | Righi, R. | Community detection of agents interacting through regional innovation policies: structures, processes and functions | 2016 | download |
99 | Elyasiani, E.; Muzzioli, S.; Ruggieri, A. | Forecasting and pricing powers of option-implied tree models: Tranquil and volatile market conditions | 2016 | download |
98 | Paba, S.; Bertozzi, R. | What happens to students with an immigrant background in the transition to higher education? Evidence from Italy | 2016 | download |
97 | Pagliacci, F.; Righi, S.; Russo, M. | Enhancing the resilience of social infrastructures: issues on agents, artefacts and processes. Proceedings of the 2016 Modena Workshop | 2016 | download |
96 | Bertocchi, G. | The Legacies of Slavery in and out of Africa | 2016 | download |
95 | Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M. | Origins and implications of family structure across Italian provinces in historical perspective | 2016 | download |
94 | Silvestri, P.; Gibertini, E. | Il Laboratorio per l’accreditamento di Ateneo. Prime valutazioni di un’esperienza di formazione personale e collettiva a UNIMORE | 2016 | download |
93 | Russo, M.; Pozzoli, S.; Tantillo, F. | Documenting work through videos. A project by Officina Emilia with nine engineering firms in the province of Modena (2008-2010) | 2016 | download |
92 | Caloia, F. G.; Cipollini, A.; Muzzioli, S. | A note on normalization schemes: The case of generalized forecast error variance decompositions | 2016 | download |
91 | Baldini, M.; Gallo, G.; Reverberi, M.; Trapani, A. | Social transfers and poverty in Europe: comparing social exclusion and targeting across welfare regimes | 2016 | download |
90 | Righi, S.; Takacs, K. | The Miracle of Peer Review and Development inScience: An Agent-Based Model | 2016 | download |
88 | Pavone, P.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Russo, M. | Documentare e comunicare l'attività di trasferimento tecnologico. Analisi testuale della comunicazione dei poli di innovazione | 2016 | download |
87 | Bertolini, P.; Pagliacci, F. | Territorial Unbalances in Quality of Life. A focus on Italian Inner and Rural Areas | 2016 | download |
86 | Cavicchioli, M.; Papana, A.; Papana Diagasis, A.; Pistoresi, B. | Determinants of Central Bank independence: a random forest approach | 2016 | download |
85 | Risso, G. L. | Un sistema di gestione dei servizi per il lavoro nel settore dell’assistenza familiare | 2016 | download |
84 | Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.; Wuz, J. | The Interplay of Cultural Aversion and Assortativity for the Emergence of Cooperation | 2016 | download |
83 | Lehmann, H.; Razzolini, T.; Zaiceva, A. | Worker flows and Labour Market Adjustment during the Great Recession: Evidence from a Large Shock | 2016 | download |
82 | Pagliacci, F.; Russo, M. | Socio-economic effects of an earthquake: does sub-regional counterfactual sampling matter in estimates? An empirical test on the 2012 Emilia-Romagna earthquake | 2016 | download |
81 | Russo, M.; Silvestri, P.; Bonifati, G.; Gualandri, E.; Pagliacci, F.; Pattaro, A. F.; Pedrazzoli, A.; Pergetti, S.; Ranuzzini, M.; Reverberi, M.; Solinas, G.; Vezzani, P. | Innovation and development after the earthquake in Emilia | 2016 | download |
80 | Gallo, G.; Torricelli, C.; Van Soest, A. | Individual heterogeneity and pension choices: How to communicate an effective message? | 2016 | download |
79 | Brighi, L.; Silvestri, P. | Inefficiency in Childcare Production. Evidence from Italian Microdata | 2016 | download |
78 | Cavicchioli, M.; Pistoresi, B. | Testing threshold cointegration in Wagner's Law: the role of military spending | 2016 | download |
77 | Ribba, A. | Productivity Growth Shocks and Unemployment in the Postwar US Economy | 2016 | download |
76 | Bonifati, Giovanni | The implications of the concept of exaptation for a theory of economic change | 2015 | download |
75 | Biondi, Y.; Righi, S. | Much ado about making money: The impact of disclosure, news and rumors over the formation of security market prices over time | 2015 | download |
74 | Di Cristofaro, M.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Ghinoi, S.; Russo, M. | Promozione del sistema dei poli di innovazione nello spazio web: analisi dei contenuti e delle reti di relazioni virtuali | 2015 | download |
73 | Righi, S. | Campaign Spending and Rents in a Probabilistic Voting Model | 2015 | download |
72 | Pavone, P.; Russo, M. | Analisi lessico testuale delle ordinanze del Commissario Delegato alla ricostruzione in Emilia-Romagna: Un contributo alla legge nazionale su emergenza e ricostruzione | 2015 | download |
71 | Ranuzzini, M.; Pagliacci, F.; Russo, M. | L'informatizzazione delle procedure per la ricostruzione: prime evidenze dai contributi concessi per le abitazioni | 2015 | download |
70 | Gualandri, E.; Pedrazzoli, A.; Vezzani, P. | Finanziare la ricostruzione: attività e attori coinvolti nel sisma dell’Emilia Romagna | 2015 | download |
69 | Reverberi, M.; Russo, M. | I contributi alle imprese colpite dal sisma del 2012 in Emilia-Romagna: una base informativa per l'analisi e il monitoraggio della ricostruzione | 2015 | v |
68 | Bertolini, P.; Pagliacci, F. | Le specificità del sistema agro-alimentare nella ricostruzione post-sisma | 2015 | download |
67 | Giovannetti, E.; Pagliacci, F.; Pergetti, S. | Il processo della ricostruzione dell’abitare in Emilia | 2015 | download |
66 | Martinelli, E.; Tagliazucchi, G.; Marchi, G. | Disastri Naturali e Dynamic Capabilities nel Commercio | 2015 | download |
65 | Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A.; Salsano, F. | Government expenditure and economic development: evidence from Italy 1862-2009 | 2015 | download |
64 | Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S. | Towards a skewness index for the Italian stock market | 2015 | download |
63 | Cardullo, P.; Russo, M. | Earthquake in the city: the people yet to come | 2015 | download |
62 | Russo, M.; Caloffi, A.; Rossi, F.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Ghinoi, S. | Evaluating the performance of innovation intermediaries: insights from the experience of Tuscany’s innovation poles | 2015 | download |
61 | Piazzi, V.; Pagliacci, F.; Russo, M. | Analisi cluster delle caratteristiche socio-economiche dei comuni dell'Emilia-Romagna: un confronto tra comuni dentro e fuori dal cratere del sisma | 2015 | v |
60 | Magni, C. A.; Peasnell, K. V. | The Term Structure of Capital Values: An accounting-based framework for measuring economic profitability | 2015 | download |
59 | Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A.; Salsano, F. | La spesa pubblica in Italia: una crescita senza limiti? | 2015 | download |
58 | Biondi, Y.; Righi, S. | Inequality, mobility and the financial accumulation process: A computational economic analysis | 2015 | download |
57 | Dallari, P.; Ribba, A. | Economic shocks and their effects on unemployment in the euro area periphery under the EMU | 2015 | download |
56 | Murat, M. G.; Recalde, M. L.; Degiovanni, P. | The education networks of Latin America. Effects on trade during and after the cold war. | 2015 | download |
55 | Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A. | The Long-Term Determinants of Female HIV Infection in Africa: The Slave Trade, Polygyny, and Sexual Behavior | 2015 | download |
54 | Silvestri, F. | Innovation and Technical Change in the European Municipal Waste Industry | 2015 | download |
53 | Ribba, A. | What Drives US Inflation and Unemployment in the Long Run? | 2015 | download |
52 | Bozzano, M. | On the Historical Roots of Women’s Empowerment across Italian Provinces: Religion or Family Culture? | 2015 | download |
51 | Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L. | Social Coordination with Locally Observable Types | 2015 | download |
49 | Baldini, M.; Pacifico, D.; Termini, F. | Imputation of missing expenditure information in standard household income surveys | 2015 | download |
48 | Magni, C. A. | ROI and profitability index: A note on managerial performance | 2015 | download |
47 | Cipollini, A.; Lo Cascio, I.; Muzzioli, S. | Volatility risk premia and financial connectedness | 2014 | download |
46 | Bonifati, Giovanni | Investimenti, consumi e occupazione. Capacità produttiva, domanda effettiva e distribuzione del reddito nel lungo periodo | 2014 | download |
45 | Russo, M.; Silvestri, F.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Caloffi, A.; Rossi, F.; Ghinoi, S.; Kaulard, A. | Politiche a sostegno del sistema di ricerca e sviluppo in Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Italia, Spagna e Svezia | 2014 | download |
44 | Russo, M.; Silvestri, F.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Caloffi, A.; Rossi, F.; Ghinoi, S.; Kaulard, A. | Politiche di innovazione e trasferimento tecnologico in Toscana. Ricognizione degli strumenti attivati nel periodo 2000-2013 | 2014 | download |
43 | Murat, M. G. | Soft, hard or smart power? International students and investments abroad. | 2014 | download |
42 | Addabbo, T.; Fuscaldo, M.; Maccagnan, A. | Care and the capability of living a healthy life in a gender perspective | 2014 | download> |
41 | Fazio, F. | Trade unions twitter analytics: to what extent trade unions interact with youth? | 2014 | download |
40 | Bertolini, P. | L’evoluzione della presenza femminile nell’agricoltura italiana ed i nuovi tratti dell’imprenditoria delle donne | 2014 | download |
39 | Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M. | Limit pricing and secret barriers to entry | 2014 | download |
38 | Addabbo, T.; Sarti, E. | Access to work and disability: the case of Italy | 2014 | download |
37 | Brusco, S.; Paba, S. | Towards a History of the Italian Industrial Districts from the End of World War II to the Nineties, | 2014 | download |
36 | Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M. | Family Structure and the Education Gender Gap: Evidence from Italian Provinces | 2014 | download |
35 | Mengoli, P.; Russo, M. | Innovation in education and re-industrialisation in Europe | 2014 | download |
34 | Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L. | Dynamic Adverse Selection and the Supply Size | 2014 | download |
33 | Addabbo, T.; García Fernández, R.; Llorca Rodríguez, C.; Maccagnan, A. | Measuring the impact of the crisis on unemployment and household income | 2014 | download |
32 | Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A. | Capital Inflows, Current Accounts and Investment Cycle in Italy: 1861-1913 | 2014 | download |
31 | Lehmann, H.; Zaiceva, A. | Informal Employment in Russia: Definitions, Incidence, Determinants and Labor Market Segmentation | 2014 | download |
30 | Caloffi, A.; Rossi, F.; Russo, M. | The roles of different intermediaries in innovation networks: A network-based approach to the design of innovation policies | 2014 | download |
29 | Muzzioli, S. | The optimal corridor for implied volatility: from calm to turmoil periods | 2013 | download |
28 | Muzzioli, S.; Ruggieri, A.; De Baets, B. | A comparison of fuzzy regression methods for the estimation of the implied volatility smile function | 2013 | download |
27 | Rossi, F.; Caloffi, A.; Russo, M. | Can policy design help organizations improve their networking capabilities? An empirical analysis on a regional policy | 2013 | download |
26 | Russo, M.; Ghose, R.; Mattioli, M. | Homm-sw Networks-of-stories to value tangible and intangible heritage in museums | 2013 | download |
25 | Brighi, P.; Venturelli, V. | How Income Diversification, Size and Capital Ratio affect BHCs Performance? | 2013 | download |
24 | Ribba, A. | Sources of Unemployment Fluctuations in the USA and in the Euro Area in the Last Decade | 2013 | download |
23 | Russo, M.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Kaulard, A.; Mengoli, P.; Natali, A.; Silvestri, F. | LEVE. Reti di competenza e sviluppo locale in provincia di Livorno | 2013 | download |
22 | Cavallo, A.; Ribba, A. | Euro area Inflation as a Predictor of National Inflation Rates | 2013 | download |
21 | Russo, M. | Reti di competenze e innovazione nei sistemi di piccole imprese meccaniche | 2013 | download |
20 | Bertocchi, G.; Gambardella, A.; Jappelli, T.; Nappi, C. A.; Peracchi, F. | Bibliometric Evaluation vs. Informed Peer Review: Evidence from Italy | 2013 | download |
19 | Addabbo, T.; García Fernández, R.; Llorca Rodríguez, C.; Maccagnan, A. | The effect of the crisis on material deprivation in Italy and Spain | 2013 | download |
18 | Addabbo, T.; Gálvez Muñoz, L.; Rodríguez Modroño, P. | The impact of European Union austerity policy on women's work in Southern Europe | 2013 | download |
17 | Addabbo, T.; Centra, M.; Curtarelli, M.; Fuscaldo, M.; Gualtieri, V. | The quality of work dimensions. Results of a multivariate analysis from the Third Isfol Survey on Quality of work in Italy | 2013 | download |
16 | Addabbo, T.; Sarti, E.; Sciulli, D. | Disability, life satisfaction and social interaction in Italy | 2013 | download |
15 | Muzzioli, S.; Ruggieri, A. | Option implied trees and implied moments | 2013 | download |
14 | Murat, M. G. | Education ties and investments abroad. Empirical evidence from the US and UK | 2013 | download |
13 | Drago, C.; Ricciuti, R.; Rinaldi, Alberto; Vasta, M. | A counterfactual analysis of the bank-industry relationship in Italy, 1913-1936 | 2013 | |
12 | Marotta, G. | Per un accesso sostenibile delle Pmi al credito (A sustainable access to credit for SMEs) | 2013 | download |
11 | Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A. | External constraint and economic growth in Italy: 1861-2000 | 2013 | download |
10 | Addabbo, T.; Rodríguez Modroño, P.; Gálvez Muñoz, L. | Gender and the Great Recession: Changes in labour supply in Spain | 2013 | download |
8 | Zaiceva, A.; Klaus, Z. | Returning Home at Times of Trouble? Return Migration of EU Enlargement Migrants during the Crisis | 2013 | download |
7 | Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M. | Women, Medieval Commerce, and the Education Gender Gap | 2013 | download |
6 | Bruni, M. | Labor market and demographic scenarios for ASEAN countries (2010-35) Education, skill development, manpower needs, migration flows and economic growth | 2013 | download |
5 | Addabbo, T.; Kjeldstad, R. | Household affiliation among young adult women and men in Italy and Norway: The significance of work, culture, and money | 2012 | download> |
4 | Addabbo, T.; Krishnakumar, J.; Sarti, E. | Does disability discourage? An empirical analysis of the disabled labour force in Italy | 2012 | download |
3 | Bigarelli, D.; Russo, M. | Effetti della crisi internazionale sulla subfornitura meccanica in Emilia Romagna | 2012 | download |
2 | Murat, M. G. | Out of sight, not out of mind. Education networks and international trade. | 2012 | download |
1 | Bertocchi, G.; Arcangelo, D. | De Jure and de Facto Determinants of Power: Evidence from Mississippi | 2012 | download |