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DEMB Working Paper Series

ISSN on line: 2281-440X

I Working papers sono la nuova collana di pubblicazioni del Dipartimento, nata nel luglio 2012. E' diffusa online ed è inserita su IRIS - Archivio della ricerca UniMoRe e nella banca dati RePEc (Research Papers in Economics),un database bibliografico centralizzato che comprende 1800 archivi di 86 paesi diversi.          
I files dei "DEMB Working Paper Series" sono in formato Adobe Reader (pdf); se non lo hai, scarica Adobe Reader.

250Bosi, G.«Pandoro gate»: de minimis ...vel omnibus? Note a margine del caso Balocco – Ferragni2025download
249Granese, A.; Pistoresi, B.; Salsano, F.Post-WWII Redistribution in the US: the Role of the Boom Cycle2024download
248Bosi, G.Intermediari e reti per lo sviluppo della ricerca innovativa e per il trasferimento tecnologico2024download
247Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.; Falco, C.Family Planning and Ethnic Heritage: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa2024download
246Capriotti, A.; Muzzioli, S.A note on the Pastor et al. (2021) model2024download
245Capriotti, A.; Muzzioli, S.Climate risk measures and main data providers2024download
244Ferrara, M.; Ciano, T.; Capriotti, A.; Muzzioli, S.Machine learning technique to compute climate risk in finance2024download
243Addabbo, T.;Investigating LGBTQI+ Inequalities in working conditions (luglio)2024download
242Casolari, L.; Curzi, Y.; Pistoresi, B.; Poma, E., et al. Work Ability in Healthcare: Vulnerable Groups and Organizational Factors2024download
241Strozzi, C.; Rinaldi, corso di pubblicazione (giugno)2024download
240Addabbo, T.; Barra, C.L'impatto di metodologie didattiche collaborative sulle dimensioni dell'apprendimento in un corso di Laurea Magistrale Blended2024download
239Addabbo, T.; Caruso, G.; Strozzi, C.; Tasselli, C.Team Based Learning e didattica universitaria: l’impatto sulle competenze trasversali2024download
238Bosi, G.Commons rules. 
Regolazione dei beni comuni imprenditoriali 
e neo-funzionalismo del diritto commerciale 
237Capriotti, A.; Cipollini, A.; Muzzioli, S.Climate risk definition and measures: asset pricing models and stock returns2024download
236Ferrara, M.; Ciano, T.; Capriotti, A.; Muzzioli, S.Climate change and asset pricing: a focused review of literature2024download
235Capriotti, A.; Muzzioli, S.Model-free moments: predictability of STOXX Europe 600 Oil & Gas future returns2024download
234Granese, A.Two Main Business Cycle Shocks are Better than One2024download
233Murat, M.Citizenship, math and gender. Exploring immigrant students’ choice of majors2023download 
232Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S.Unveiling Sentiment Dynamics and Forecasting Future Economic Sentiment in the Eurozone using Option-Implied Asymmetry Measures2023download 
231Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S.Aggregating sentiment in Europe: the relationship with volatility and returns2023download 
230Tasselli, C.; Strozzi, C.; Addabbo, T.Inclusive Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: An Evaluation of The Impact of Faculty Development Programmes2023download 
229Tasselli, C.; Addabbo, T.Enhancing Student’s Sense of belongings, performance and Inclusion: Exploring the Benefits of Team-Based Learning in College Classrooms2023download 
228Tasselli, C.; Addabbo, T.; Balboni, B.; Strozzi, C.Active Learning in Economics: A Comparative Analysis of challenge-based learning and team-based learning impact on students’ satisfaction2023download 
227Negri, I.; Pistoresi, B.; Gamberini, M. C.; Mecugni, D.Building an inclusive environment: exploring lecturers’ experience in inclusive and innovative academia2023download 
226Cantarella, M.; Strozzi, C.Task search and labour supply in the platform economy2023download 
224Brunetti, M.; Zaiceva - Razzolini, A.Is Self-Employment for Migrants? Evidence from Italy2023download 
223Pennetta, D.; Gambarelli, L.Banks’ attitude to partnership as an antecedent of Open Banking platforms: structural determinants and effects on performance in the Italian context2023download 
222Pennetta, D.; Gambarelli, L.Il finanziamento della ricerca clinica in Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP): cosa determina l'intervento della Finanza?2023download 
221Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S.Understanding the SKEW Index: the relationship with sentiment and returns2023 
220Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S.Googling Investor Sentiment around Europe2023 
219Addabbo, T.; Tasselli, C.; Damiani, F.Team-Based Learning as an innovative teaching methodology: assessing gender inclusiveness in a quantitative economic subject2022download 
218Coppeta, G. F.; Pistoresi, B.Aspirations in the European labour market2022download 
217Coppeta, G. F.; Costantini, E.; Pistoresi, B.Trust in local institutions and citizens' subjective well-being Evidence from the case of Modena2022download 
216Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M.Limit Pricing and Strategic Investment2022download 
215ZAICEVA - RAZZOLINI, AnzelikaMultitasking2022download 
214Poma, E.; Pistoresi, B.Satisfaction with democracy in Europe: assessing the role of public support measures and institutional trust2022download 
213Addabbo, T.; Strozzi, C.; Tasselli, C.Gender inequalities in college major choices. The role of explicit and implicit stereotypes2022download 
212Giovinazzo, C.; Pistoresi, B.; Poma, E.Good governance and subjective well-being in Europe: the mediating role of trust in other people and institutions2022download 
211Pistoresi, Barbara; Poma, Erica; Rinaldi, AlbertoGender quotas between glass ceiling crack and firm performance: evidence from Italy's financial sector2022download 
210Damiani, F.; Rodríguez-Modroño, P.Measuring Women’s Digital Inclusion. A poset-based approach to the Women in Digital Scoreboard2022download 
209Damiani, F.; Muzzioli, S.; De Baets, BRegional innovation in southern Europe: a poset-based analysis2022download 
208Pistoresi, B.; Poma, E.; Rinaldi, A.Gender quota on corporate boards in Italy: spillover effects and financial performance2022download 
207Falco, C.; Corbi, R.Natural Disasters and Preferences for the Environment: Evidence from the Impressionable Years2022download 
206Incerpi, A.; Pistoresi, B.; Salsano, F.Does War Make States? Military Spending and the Italian State building, 1861-19452022download 
205Gambarelli., L.; Marchi, G.; Muzzioli, S.Asymmetric correlations and hedging effectiveness of cryptocurrencies for the European stock market2022download 
204Gambarelli., L.; Muzzioli, S.News Sentiment indicators and the Cross‐Section of Stock Returns in the European Stock Market2022download 
203Gambarelli., L.; Muzzioli, S.; De Baets, B.An OWA Analysis of the VSTOXX volatility index2022download 
202Campisi, G.; De Baets, B.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S.Forecasting returns in the US market through fuzzy rule-based classification systems2022download 
201Campisi, G.; Muzzioli, S.Asymmetric semi-volatility spillover in a nonlinear model of interacting markets2022download 
200Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.; Tedeschi, G. L.Strangers and Foreigners: Trust and Attitudes toward Citizenship2022download 
199Brusco, S.Small firms and industrial districts2022download 
198Paba, S.The Chinese automotive industry at a turning point. An Overview2022download 
197Paba, S.; Parolini, C.Chinese acquisitions in Italy: performance of target companies, political reactions and public perception, future prospects2021download 
196Bertocchi, G.; Bonacini, L.; Murat, M.Adams and Eves: The Gender Gap in Economics Majors2021download 
195Ferrarini, F.; Curzi, Y.AMO-enhancing practices, open innovation and organizations’ innovation in the European context: testing a mediation model2021 
194Murat, M.Migration and development2021download 
193Russo, Margherita; Cardinale Ciccotti, Claudia; De Alexandris, Fabrizio; Gjinaj, Antonela; Romaniello, Giovanni; Scatorchia, Antonio; Terranova, GiorgioThe systemic dimension of success (or failure?) in the use of data and AI during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-country comparison on contact tracing apps2021download 
192Pagliacci, F.; Bonacini, L.Explaining anti-immigrant sentiment through spatial analysis: a study of the 2019 European elections in Italy2021download 
191Russo, Margherita; Cardinale Ciccotti, Claudia; De Alexandris, Fabrizio; Gjinaj, Antonela; Romaniello, Giovanni; Scatorchia, Antonio; Terranova, GiorgioLa dimensione sistemica del successo (o insuccesso?) nell'uso dei dati nella pandemia da COVID-19. Risultati dall'analisi comparata relativa alle app di tracciamento in nove paesi OECD2021download 
189Ferrarini, F.; Muzzioli, S.; De Baets, B.A TOPSIS analysis of regional competitiveness at European level2021download 
188Damiani, F.; Muzzioli, S.; De Baets, B.A poset-based analysis of regional innovation at European level2021download 
187Russo, T.; Addabbo, T.; Muzzioli, S.; De Baets, B.Tools and practices for LGBT+ inclusion in tertiary education: the development of the LGBT+ University Inclusion Index and its application to Italian universities2021download 
186Campisi, G.; Muzzioli, S.; Tramontana, F.Uncertainty about fundamental and pessimistic traders: a piecewise-linear maps approach2021download 
185Tagliazucchi, G.; Martinelli, E.; Endrighi, E.Coltivazione della lavanda nell’appennino emiliano-romagnolo: metodologia e primi risultati di un’indagine esplorativa2021download 
184Muzzioli, S.; Campisi, G.; De Baets, B.A comparison of machine learning methods for predicting stock returns in the US market2021download 
183Paba, S.; Solinas, G.; Bonacini, L.; Fareri, S.Robots, Trade and Employment in Italian Local Labour Systems2020download 
182Paba, S.; Parolini, C.Should we fear or hope for Chinese acquisitions? Evidence from Italy2020download 
181Murat, M.Emigration and development. What are the links?2020download 
180Bertolini, P.; Giovannetti, E.L’assetto strutturale e le performance dei caseifici del settore del Parmigiano Reggiano: una valutazione microeconomica2020download 
179Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M.Investment in early education and job market signaling2020download 
178Bertolini, P.; Giovannetti, E.L’evoluzione del sistema locale del Parmigiano Reggiano2020download 
177Bonacini, L.; Murat, M.Coronavirus pandemic, remote learning and emerging education inequalities2020download 
176Boscolo, S.On the horizontal inequity effect of the erosion of the PIT base: the case of Italy2020download 
175Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.COVID-19, Race, and Redlining2020download 
174Silvestri, L.; Caruso, G.; Fareri, S.; Solinas, G.Dalla crisi alla crisi: nuovi lavori e competenze nel settore automotive2020download 
173Russo, M.; Alboni, F.; Colombini, S.; Morlini, I.; Pavone, P.; Sartori, L.Covid-19 e studenti UNIMORE: come l’emergenza cambia lo studio e l’esperienza universitaria2020download 
172Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.Bitter Sugar: Slavery and the Black Family2020download 
171Tripi, S.; Mattei, G.COVID-19 e Pubblica Amministrazione: implicazioni dello smart working per il management e per la salute mentale dei lavoratori2020download 
170Lalla, M.; Cavicchioli, M.Nonresponse and measurement errors in income: matching individual survey data with administrative tax data2020download 
169Martinelli, E; Tagliazucchi, G.; Costantini, E.Imprenditoria immigrata operante nella distribuzione commerciale modenese. Metodologia e primi risultati di un’indagine2020download 
168Lalla, M.; Frederic, P.Tertiary education decisions of immigrants and non-immigrants in Italy: an empirical approach2020download 
167Campisi, G.; Muzzioli, S.Fundamentalists heterogeneity and the role of the sentiment indicator2020download 
166Bonacini, L.; Fareri, S.; Paba, S.; Solinas, G.I sistemi produttivi in Italia tra globalizzazione e digitalizzazione2020download 
165Curzi, Y.; Pistoresi, B.; Fabbri, T.Understanding the stressful implications of remote e-working: Evidence from Europe2020download 
164Campisi, G.; La Rocca, L.; Muzzioli, S.Assessing skewness in financial markets2020download 
163Campisi, G.; Muzzioli, S.Investor sentiment and trading behavior2020download 
162Incerpi, A.; Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A.Finance and Economic Development in Italy, 1870-19132020download 
161Mattei, G.; Pistoresi, B.; Galeazzi, G. M.La relazione tra credito e comportamento suicidario in Italia2020download 
160Ribba, A.Is the unemployment inflation trade-off still alive in the Euro Area and its member countries? It seems so2019download 
159Russo, M.; Pavone, P.What innovation policy mix does matter for which countries? Patterns emerging from multidimensional analysis on STIP Compass platform2019download 
158Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M.Gender gaps in education2019download 
157Gambarelli, Luca; Muzzioli, SilviaRisk-asymmetry indices in Europe2019download 
156Campisi, Giovanni; Muzzioli, SilviaConstruction and properties of volatility indices for Austria, Finland and Spain2019download 
155Bertolini, P.; Pagliacci, F.; Pisciotta, A.Poverty and Social Exclusion in the European Union: South-Eastern Territorial Patterns2019download 
154Cantarella, M.#Portichiusi: the human costs of migrant deterrence in the Mediterranean2019download 
153Carreto Sanginés, J.; Pavone, P.; Russo, M.; Simonazzi, A.Digital upgrade in the automotive supply chain in Mexico: issues and challenges2019download 
152Boscolo, S.The Contribution of Proportional Taxes and Tax-Free Cash Benefits to Income Redistribution over the Period 2005-2018: Evidence from Italy2019download 
151Russo, M.Digital transformation in the automotive supply chain: China, Germany, Italy and Japan in a comparative perspective2019download 
150Carreto Sanginés, J.; Russo, M.The automotive sector in Mexico2019download 
149Bertolini, P.Overview on Rural Poverty in Developed Countries2019download 
148Pavone, P.; Pagliacci, F.; Russo, M.; Giorgi, A.R&I smart specialisation strategies: classification of EU regions’ priorities. Results from automatic text analysis2019download 
147Baldini, M.; Gallo, G.; Lusignoli, L.; Toso, S.Le politiche per l’assistenza: il Reddito di cittadinanza2019download 
146Cantarella, M.; Fraccaroli, N.; Volpe, R.Does fake news affect voting behaviour?2019download 
145Russo, M.; Pagliacci, F.; Pavone, P.; Giorgi, A.RIS3 in macro-regional strategies: tools to design and monitor integrated territorial development paths2019download 
144Pattaro, A. F.; Ranuzzini, M.; Bonacini, L.Inter-municipal cooperation as a solution for public services delivery? The case of Unioni di Comuni in Emilia-Romagna Region2019download> 
143Dallari, P.; Ribba, A.The Dynamic Effects of Monetary Policy and Government Spending Shocks on Unemployment in the Peripheral Euro Area Countries2019download 
142Russo, M.; Pavone, P.; Pagliacci, F.; Righi, S.; Giorgi, A.Detecting multidimensional clustering across EU regions. Focus on R&I smart specialisation strategies and on socio-economic and demographic conditions2019download 
141Addabbo, T.; Giuntini, A.; Pillo, F.; Rinaldi, A.Le donne nella magistratura italiana: 1960-19902019download 
140Lalla, M.; Mantovani, D.; Frederic, P.Measurement errors and tax evasion in annual incomes: evidence from survey data matched with fiscal data2019download 
139Cantarella, M.; Strozzi, C.Labour market effects of crowdwork in the US and EU: an empirical investigation2018download 
138Bertocchi, G.; Brunetti, M.; Zaiceva, A.The Financial Decisions of Immigrant and Native Households: Evidence from Italy2018download 
137Bursi, T.; Galli, G.; Scaccaglia, S.Argo Tractors: un caso di reshoring di successo2018 
136Bursi, T.; Galli, G.Il mercato delle case di legno: analisi strategica di un caso reale2018download 
135Bursi, T.Approccio al mercato cinese del turismo2018 
134Zaffaroni, A.; Ernst, E.New representations of sets of lower bounds and of sets with supremum in Archimedean order-unit vector spaces2018download 
133Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, SilviaThe properties of a skewness index and its relation with volatility and returns2018download 
132Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, SilviaThe use of option prices in order to evaluate the skewness risk premium2018download 
131Caloia, F.; Cipollini, A.; Muzzioli, S.On the financial connectedness of the commodity market: a replication of the Diebold and Yilmaz (2012) study2018download 
130Russo, M.; Pavone, P.; Cetrulo, A.Cinquanta anni di contrattazione di secondo livello: che cosa impariamo dal caso Lamborghini?2018download> 
129Rinaldi, A.; Tagliazucchi, G.Women Entrepreneurs in Italy: A prosopographic Study2018download 
128Baldini, M.; Mancini, G.; Vecchi, G.No country for young people. Poverty and Age in Italy, 1948-20182018download 
127Piras, S.; Pancotto, F.; Righi, S.; Vittuari, M.; Setti, M.Food waste as a (negative) measure of social capital. A study across Italian Provinces2018download 
126Baldini, M.; Casabianca, E. J.; Giarda, E.; Lusignoli, L.The impact of REI on Italian households’ income: A micro and macro evaluation2018download 
125Scagliarini, S.The allocation of responsabilities between the central state and local authorities in the countries of the alpine area2018 
124Addabbo, T.; Davoli, M.; Murat, M.Is there an immigrant-gender gap in education? An empirical investigation based on PISA data from Italy.2018download 
123Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M.Private Information and the Commitment Value of Unobservable Investment2018download 
122Bonifati, GiovanniIl contributo di Marx a una critica del determinismo tecnologico. Premesse per una ontologia critica dell’innovazione2017download 
121Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M.Strategic Effects of Investment and Private Information: The Incumbent's Curse2017download 
120Murat, M. G.Foreign aid and asylum immigration. Does development matter?2017download 
119Russo, M.; Pavone, P.WPTIP 1993-2017: a longitudinal analysis of issues, connections and impact of the discussion on technology and innovation policy at Oecd2017download 
118Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.; Lancia, F.; Russo, A.Youth Enfranchisement, Political Responsiveness, and Education Expenditure: Evidence from the U.S.2017download 
117Baldini, M.Questioni valutative in relazione alla definizione di "povertà"2017download 
116Pavone, P.; Russo, M.Clusters of specializations in the automotive supply chain in Italy. An empirical analysis using text mining2017download 
115Russo, M.; Pavone, P.Strategie, pubbliche e private, in azione per ri-costruire meglio. Analisi dei testi di quattro interviste2017download 
114Mantovani, D.Comparing redistributive efficiency of tax-benefit systems in Europe2017download 
113Murat, M. G.Foreign Aid and responsiveness of bilateral refugee inflows2017download 
112Pistoresi, B.; Cavicchioli, M.; Brevini, G.Central Bank Independence, financial instability and politics: new evidence for OECD and non-OECD countries2017download 
111Cavallo, A.; Ribba, A.Measuring the Effects of Oil Price and Euro-area Shocks on CEECs Business Cycles2017download 
110Pagliacci, F.; Russo, M.Earthquake hazard in Italy Cluster analysis of socio-economic data to inform place-based policy measures2017download 
109Raduzzi, R.; Ribba, A.The Macroeconomics Outcome of Oil Shocks in the Small Eurozone Economies2017download 
108Mengoli, P.; Russo, M.A hybrid space to support the regeneration of competences for re-industrialization. Lessons from a research-action2017download 
107Baldini, M.; Peragine, V.; Silvestri, L.Quality of government and subjective poverty in Europe2017download 
106Codeluppi, F.; Pancotto, F.; Righi, S.Reflexivity reduces pro-sociality but only among strategic subjects2017download 
105Ernst, E.; Zaffaroni, A.Characterizing sets of lower bounds: a hidden convexity result2016download 
104Di Martino, P.; Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A.International financial flows, domestic banks, and the economic development of the periphery: Italy 1861-19132016download 
103Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S.Moment Risk Premia and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns2016download 
102Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S.Fear or greed? What does a skewness index measure?2016download 
101Piscitelli, G.Quale qualità del lavoro per le donne nella meccanica modenese? Una ricerca sul campo2016download 
100Righi, R.Community detection of agents interacting through regional innovation policies: structures, processes and functions2016download 
99Elyasiani, E.; Muzzioli, S.; Ruggieri, A.Forecasting and pricing powers of option-implied tree models: Tranquil and volatile market conditions2016download 
98Paba, S.; Bertozzi, R.What happens to students with an immigrant background in the transition to higher education? Evidence from Italy2016download 
97Pagliacci, F.; Righi, S.; Russo, M.Enhancing the resilience of social infrastructures: issues on agents, artefacts and processes. Proceedings of the 2016 Modena Workshop2016download 
96Bertocchi, G.The Legacies of Slavery in and out of Africa2016download 
95Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M.Origins and implications of family structure across Italian provinces in historical perspective2016download 
94Silvestri, P.; Gibertini, E.Il Laboratorio per l’accreditamento di Ateneo. Prime valutazioni di un’esperienza di formazione personale e collettiva a UNIMORE2016download 
93Russo, M.; Pozzoli, S.; Tantillo, F.Documenting work through videos. A project by Officina Emilia with nine engineering firms in the province of Modena (2008-2010)2016download 
92Caloia, F. G.; Cipollini, A.; Muzzioli, S.A note on normalization schemes: The case of generalized forecast error variance decompositions2016download 
91Baldini, M.; Gallo, G.; Reverberi, M.; Trapani, A.Social transfers and poverty in Europe: comparing social exclusion and targeting across welfare regimes2016download 
90Righi, S.; Takacs, K.The Miracle of Peer Review and Development inScience: An Agent-Based Model2016download 
88Pavone, P.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Russo, M.Documentare e comunicare l'attività di trasferimento tecnologico. Analisi testuale della comunicazione dei poli di innovazione2016download 
87Bertolini, P.; Pagliacci, F.Territorial Unbalances in Quality of Life. A focus on Italian Inner and Rural Areas2016download 
86Cavicchioli, M.; Papana, A.; Papana Diagasis, A.; Pistoresi, B.Determinants of Central Bank independence: a random forest approach2016download 
85Risso, G. L.Un sistema di gestione dei servizi per il lavoro nel settore dell’assistenza familiare2016download 
84Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.; Wuz, J.The Interplay of Cultural Aversion and Assortativity for the Emergence of Cooperation2016download 
83Lehmann, H.; Razzolini, T.; Zaiceva, A.Worker flows and Labour Market Adjustment during the Great Recession: Evidence from a Large Shock2016download 
82Pagliacci, F.; Russo, M.Socio-economic effects of an earthquake: does sub-regional counterfactual sampling matter in estimates? An empirical test on the 2012 Emilia-Romagna earthquake2016download 
81Russo, M.; Silvestri, P.; Bonifati, G.; Gualandri, E.; Pagliacci, F.; Pattaro, A. F.; Pedrazzoli, A.; Pergetti, S.; Ranuzzini, M.; Reverberi, M.; Solinas, G.; Vezzani, P.Innovation and development after the earthquake in Emilia2016download 
80Gallo, G.; Torricelli, C.; Van Soest, A.Individual heterogeneity and pension choices: How to communicate an effective message?2016download 
79Brighi, L.; Silvestri, P.Inefficiency in Childcare Production. Evidence from Italian Microdata2016download 
78Cavicchioli, M.; Pistoresi, B.Testing threshold cointegration in Wagner's Law: the role of military spending2016download 
77Ribba, A.Productivity Growth Shocks and Unemployment in the Postwar US Economy2016download 
76Bonifati, GiovanniThe implications of the concept of exaptation for a theory of economic change2015download 
75Biondi, Y.; Righi, S.Much ado about making money: The impact of disclosure, news and rumors over the formation of security market prices over time2015download 
74Di Cristofaro, M.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Ghinoi, S.; Russo, M.Promozione del sistema dei poli di innovazione nello spazio web: analisi dei contenuti e delle reti di relazioni virtuali2015download 
73Righi, S.Campaign Spending and Rents in a Probabilistic Voting Model2015download 
72Pavone, P.; Russo, M.Analisi lessico testuale delle ordinanze del Commissario Delegato alla ricostruzione in Emilia-Romagna: Un contributo alla legge nazionale su emergenza e ricostruzione2015download 
71Ranuzzini, M.; Pagliacci, F.; Russo, M.L'informatizzazione delle procedure per la ricostruzione: prime evidenze dai contributi concessi per le abitazioni2015download 
70Gualandri, E.; Pedrazzoli, A.; Vezzani, P.Finanziare la ricostruzione: attività e attori coinvolti nel sisma dell’Emilia Romagna2015download 
69Reverberi, M.; Russo, M.I contributi alle imprese colpite dal sisma del 2012 in Emilia-Romagna: una base informativa per l'analisi e il monitoraggio della ricostruzione2015v 
68Bertolini, P.; Pagliacci, F.Le specificità del sistema agro-alimentare nella ricostruzione post-sisma2015download 
67Giovannetti, E.; Pagliacci, F.; Pergetti, S.Il processo della ricostruzione dell’abitare in Emilia2015download 
66Martinelli, E.; Tagliazucchi, G.; Marchi, G.Disastri Naturali e Dynamic Capabilities nel Commercio2015download 
65Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A.; Salsano, F.Government expenditure and economic development: evidence from Italy 1862-20092015download 
64Elyasiani, E.; Gambarelli, L.; Muzzioli, S.Towards a skewness index for the Italian stock market2015download 
63Cardullo, P.; Russo, M.Earthquake in the city: the people yet to come2015download 
62Russo, M.; Caloffi, A.; Rossi, F.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Ghinoi, S.Evaluating the performance of innovation intermediaries: insights from the experience of Tuscany’s innovation poles2015download 
61Piazzi, V.; Pagliacci, F.; Russo, M.Analisi cluster delle caratteristiche socio-economiche dei comuni dell'Emilia-Romagna: un confronto tra comuni dentro e fuori dal cratere del sisma2015v 
60Magni, C. A.; Peasnell, K. V.The Term Structure of Capital Values: An accounting-based framework for measuring economic profitability2015download 
59Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A.; Salsano, F.La spesa pubblica in Italia: una crescita senza limiti?2015download 
58Biondi, Y.; Righi, S.Inequality, mobility and the financial accumulation process: A computational economic analysis2015download 
57Dallari, P.; Ribba, A.Economic shocks and their effects on unemployment in the euro area periphery under the EMU2015download 
56Murat, M. G.; Recalde, M. L.; Degiovanni, P.The education networks of Latin America. Effects on trade during and after the cold war.2015download 
55Bertocchi, G.; Dimico, A.The Long-Term Determinants of Female HIV Infection in Africa: The Slave Trade, Polygyny, and Sexual Behavior2015download 
54Silvestri, F.Innovation and Technical Change in the European Municipal Waste Industry2015download 
53Ribba, A.What Drives US Inflation and Unemployment in the Long Run?2015download 
52Bozzano, M.On the Historical Roots of Women’s Empowerment across Italian Provinces: Religion or Family Culture?2015download 
51Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Social Coordination with Locally Observable Types2015download 
49Baldini, M.; Pacifico, D.; Termini, F.Imputation of missing expenditure information in standard household income surveys2015download 
48Magni, C. A.ROI and profitability index: A note on managerial performance2015download 
47Cipollini, A.; Lo Cascio, I.; Muzzioli, S.Volatility risk premia and financial connectedness2014download 
46Bonifati, GiovanniInvestimenti, consumi e occupazione. Capacità produttiva, domanda effettiva e distribuzione del reddito nel lungo periodo2014download 
45Russo, M.; Silvestri, F.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Caloffi, A.; Rossi, F.; Ghinoi, S.; Kaulard, A.Politiche a sostegno del sistema di ricerca e sviluppo in Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Italia, Spagna e Svezia2014download 
44Russo, M.; Silvestri, F.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Caloffi, A.; Rossi, F.; Ghinoi, S.; Kaulard, A.Politiche di innovazione e trasferimento tecnologico in Toscana. Ricognizione degli strumenti attivati nel periodo 2000-20132014download 
43Murat, M. G.Soft, hard or smart power? International students and investments abroad.2014download 
42Addabbo, T.; Fuscaldo, M.; Maccagnan, A.Care and the capability of living a healthy life in a gender perspective2014download> 
41Fazio, F.Trade unions twitter analytics: to what extent trade unions interact with youth?2014download 
40Bertolini, P.L’evoluzione della presenza femminile nell’agricoltura italiana ed i nuovi tratti dell’imprenditoria delle donne2014download 
39Brighi, L.; D'Amato, M.Limit pricing and secret barriers to entry2014download 
38Addabbo, T.; Sarti, E.Access to work and disability: the case of Italy2014download 
37Brusco, S.; Paba, S.Towards a History of the Italian Industrial Districts from the End of World War II to the Nineties,2014download 
36Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M.Family Structure and the Education Gender Gap: Evidence from Italian Provinces2014download 
35Mengoli, P.; Russo, M.Innovation in education and re-industrialisation in Europe2014download 
34Bilancini, E.; Boncinelli, L.Dynamic Adverse Selection and the Supply Size2014download 
33Addabbo, T.; García Fernández, R.; Llorca Rodríguez, C.; Maccagnan, A.Measuring the impact of the crisis on unemployment and household income2014download 
32Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A.Capital Inflows, Current Accounts and Investment Cycle in Italy: 1861-19132014download 
31Lehmann, H.; Zaiceva, A.Informal Employment in Russia: Definitions, Incidence, Determinants and Labor Market Segmentation2014download 
30Caloffi, A.; Rossi, F.; Russo, M.The roles of different intermediaries in innovation networks: A network-based approach to the design of innovation policies2014download 
29Muzzioli, S.The optimal corridor for implied volatility: from calm to turmoil periods2013download 
28Muzzioli, S.; Ruggieri, A.; De Baets, B.A comparison of fuzzy regression methods for the estimation of the implied volatility smile function2013download 
27Rossi, F.; Caloffi, A.; Russo, M.Can policy design help organizations improve their networking capabilities? An empirical analysis on a regional policy2013download 
26Russo, M.; Ghose, R.; Mattioli, M.Homm-sw Networks-of-stories to value tangible and intangible heritage in museums2013download 
25Brighi, P.; Venturelli, V.How Income Diversification, Size and Capital Ratio affect BHCs Performance?2013download 
24Ribba, A.Sources of Unemployment Fluctuations in the USA and in the Euro Area in the Last Decade2013download 
23Russo, M.; Fiordelmondo, V.; Kaulard, A.; Mengoli, P.; Natali, A.; Silvestri, F.LEVE. Reti di competenza e sviluppo locale in provincia di Livorno2013download 
22Cavallo, A.; Ribba, A.Euro area Inflation as a Predictor of National Inflation Rates2013download 
21Russo, M.Reti di competenze e innovazione nei sistemi di piccole imprese meccaniche2013download 
20Bertocchi, G.; Gambardella, A.; Jappelli, T.; Nappi, C. A.; Peracchi, F.Bibliometric Evaluation vs. Informed Peer Review: Evidence from Italy2013download 
19Addabbo, T.; García Fernández, R.; Llorca Rodríguez, C.; Maccagnan, A.The effect of the crisis on material deprivation in Italy and Spain2013download 
18Addabbo, T.; Gálvez Muñoz, L.; Rodríguez Modroño, P.The impact of European Union austerity policy on women's work in Southern Europe2013download 
17Addabbo, T.; Centra, M.; Curtarelli, M.; Fuscaldo, M.; Gualtieri, V.The quality of work dimensions. Results of a multivariate analysis from the Third Isfol Survey on Quality of work in Italy2013download 
16Addabbo, T.; Sarti, E.; Sciulli, D.Disability, life satisfaction and social interaction in Italy2013download 
15Muzzioli, S.; Ruggieri, A.Option implied trees and implied moments2013download 
14Murat, M. G.Education ties and investments abroad. Empirical evidence from the US and UK2013download 
13Drago, C.; Ricciuti, R.; Rinaldi, Alberto; Vasta, M.A counterfactual analysis of the bank-industry relationship in Italy, 1913-19362013 
12Marotta, G.Per un accesso sostenibile delle Pmi al credito (A sustainable access to credit for SMEs)2013download 
11Pistoresi, B.; Rinaldi, A.External constraint and economic growth in Italy: 1861-20002013download 
10Addabbo, T.; Rodríguez Modroño, P.; Gálvez Muñoz, L.Gender and the Great Recession: Changes in labour supply in Spain2013download 
8Zaiceva, A.; Klaus, Z.Returning Home at Times of Trouble? Return Migration of EU Enlargement Migrants during the Crisis2013download 
7Bertocchi, G.; Bozzano, M.Women, Medieval Commerce, and the Education Gender Gap2013download 
6Bruni, M.Labor market and demographic scenarios for ASEAN countries (2010-35) Education, skill development, manpower needs, migration flows and economic growth2013download 
5Addabbo, T.; Kjeldstad, R.Household affiliation among young adult women and men in Italy and Norway: The significance of work, culture, and money2012download> 
4Addabbo, T.; Krishnakumar, J.; Sarti, E.Does disability discourage? An empirical analysis of the disabled labour force in Italy2012download 
3Bigarelli, D.; Russo, M.Effetti della crisi internazionale sulla subfornitura meccanica in Emilia Romagna2012download 
2Murat, M. G.Out of sight, not out of mind. Education networks and international trade.2012download 
1Bertocchi, G.; Arcangelo, D.De Jure and de Facto Determinants of Power: Evidence from Mississippi2012download