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Online study plan for master degrees


Students enrolled on one of the master degree courses (D.M. 270) in the Marco Biagi Economics Department must obligatorily complete their study programme online at the website

The study programme must be completed online by students by students:
- in the 1st and 2nd year of second-cycle degree courses in Economics, Public Policies and Labour Relations
- in the 2nd year of second-cycle degree courses in Management analysis consulting , Business management consulting, International Management

Students enrolled for their first year beyond the prescribed time (enrolled on the 1st year in the academic year 2023/2024) may modify their study programme.

To complete the form, it’s necessary to access the ESSE3reserved area, click on Piano carriera (“Career plan”) on the left-hand menu and then click on Modifica piano ("Modify programme"). A guide to the compilation of the online programmes is available at the foot of the page.

As a rule, the free choice exams can also be selected from subjects taught in other second-cycle degree courses in the Marco Biagi Department of Economics. In this case, the study programme can be completed immediately and may be closed. If the student intends, instead, to choose from subjects offered on the three-year degree courses (as per  DM 270/04) of the Department of Economics or from courses in other faculties in the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, these subjects may not be included in the study programme for the purpose of obtaining the necessary authorisation (as per the Regulations set out in the relevant page).

In this case the student must request authorisation from the course director of their second-cycle degree course. The exam may, therefore, not be taken before having obtained the necessary authorization.
Subjects taught for which the student has already sat the exam in their previous university career may not be included in the study programme.

The choices made limit enrolment to the list of exams for the subjects inserted in the completed study programme.
The following window to be completed for any changes will be opened during winter 2023/2024.

The absence of a completed study programme will compromise enrolment on the online roll-call of students and the compilation of the teaching assessment questionnaires, necessary for putting your name on the roll-call.
The study programmes automatically show the obligatory exams, which may not be changed.
The student must complete the programme with their planned choices, both for the 1st and 2nd year.

Completion of the study programme may be carried out autonomously.
In the event of difficulty, it is possible to refer to the academic office (offices 23- 25 west) at office opening times (Tuesday-Thursday 9,30-12,30).

The e-mail address is

It is also possible to request assistance by sending an e-mail to the address, specifying complete personal details and the problem encountered.