Classe di laurea magistrale 77 - Scienze economico-aziendali
Admission: see "Admission" section below
Language: English
The Degree Programme in International Management meets the growing demand coming from the world of enterprises and institutions for master graduates able to take on operational and managerial roles in the internationalisation processes of companies, bodies, and institutions. The deep changes taking place in international markets and the increasing competition require a renewed ability for the human resources of companies and institutions to analyse international markets, use a wide range of managerial, organisational, legal, commercial/marketing policy management tools, as well as a strong communication ability in foreign languages. Lectures are provided entirely in English. Access is governed by a call for applications published yearly. Certified knowledge of the English language is required, at least of B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference. The presence of international students makes the programme a stimulating multi-cultural experience.
UniMoRe Orienta,24th March 2023 (Italian language)
Head of the Course
Prof. Federico Maria Mucciarelli
Tutoring activities
Lara Liverani
tel.: 059 205 6913
Call for application (a.a. 24/25)
- Call for application EXTRA UE STUDENTS
a.a. 2024/2025
Online stuy plans
The study plan must be completed from October 14th, 2024 to December 31st, 2024.
> more info
Welcome day
Date: 23 September 2024
Hour: 9:30
Room: 2 (Foro Boario, west wing, 1° floor - v.le Berengario 51, Modena)
> slides presentation International Welome Desk
Date prove di inglese livello B2
- 27 settembre 2024
- 27 novembre 2024
le istruzioni e le modalità idi iscrizione sono disponibili qui
- Guida UNIMORE del corso di studio
- Guida per le matricole
- Guida Dipartimento
Per problemi tecnici su Moodle o Teams scrivere a
Per altro tipo di segnalazioni
seguire la procedura indicata al link sotto riportato
A.a. 2023/24
Bandi di ammissione
- Call for application EXTRA UE STUDENTS
EXPIRED ON on 4th April 2023
Altri documenti utili
On Monday 18 March, students from the International Management Master’s Course were welcomed by Ikea store staff who delivered an engaging presentation on the company's values, their organisation and work methods. Food for thought for our students. Heartfelt thanks to IKEA!